The Joint International Research Unit represents a unique and integrated research and training environment through which companies, research institutes and universities can synergistically plan their activities and enact them
It promotes seminars, courses and schools for continued training programs aimed at responding to the practical needs of future health professionals within populations afflicted by obesity, diabetes and cardiometabolic disorders
It realises the international networking of scientific and educational activities in order to ensure joint and interdisciplinary research and training, thereby favouring the full participation of professors, researchers and students from all over the world
In order to reach its objectives, it organizes and promotes fund raising from national and international funding organizations
To cope with the ever changing evolution of environmental urgencies and the emergence of novel health problems, the Joint International Research Unit realises, in an integrated and inclusive manner, the most favourable conditions to deliver scientific and educational research. In this effort, it fosters the high qualification of, and strong relationships between, different subjects, through a stable network capable to optimise the synergy among diverse social actors, thus enhancing their value also by coordinating and promoting their common actions and facilitating their contacts and exchange of experiences and pools of use